Thursday, June 11, 2009

Canby Thriftway Deals

First, I was very disappointed to find out that Thriftway does not take internet coupons.  I was going to get 2 containers of Cool Whip for .25 and 2 packages of hot dogs for free. Darn it! Well, here's what I got:

  • Bananas at .50 per lb, $2.84
  • Bar S Franks, .50 each, in ad coupon (not bad--just wish my $1 off of 2 coupon worked)
  • Pirate's Booty, Caramel Flavored (OH SO GOOD!!!), $2.59 each (not cheap) -$1 off 2 coupon, -$1 doubler (she did $1--I thought Thriftway only did up to .50??) So $3.18 for 2
  • Cool Whip, .50, in ad coupon (I had a $1 off 2 coupon that didn't work!!)
  • Milk, .50, in ad coupon (for Karry to bring to work with his free Life Cereal I got last week :)
  • Honey Nut Chex, $2 (I needed to pick up GF Cereal for the kids--I was not so excited about getting this at Thriftway because I thought it would be like $5 and only $3.50 if I just drove to Freddy's...But I didn't want to drive to Freddy's! These ones were gluten free and on sale for $2!! I can't eat them, but the kids will love them!!)
Total = $9.02
Total would have been $18.56